
Welcome to the Mitek Identity Cloud! An API for authenticating and extracting data from identity documents.


Mitek uses OAuth v2 with JWT tokens for authorization and OpenID for authentication. This token-based standard leverages temporary tokens that provide access to a resource for a limited duration. In our production environments, these tokens will be valid for 5 minutes from the time the token is first issued. When you are requesting one of these temporary tokens, you need to provide the resource you are trying to access (in OAuth this is called the scope). It is best practice to request only the minimally required scope(s) for the operation(s) in order to limit the rights of the access token provided.

Client Credential Flow

The client credential flow is used when one server is communicating with another server (and there is no person at a keyboard that can type in a password). In this flow, a client_id and a client_secret are issued to you. You must protect these credentials, because anyone with these credentials will be able to request tokens on your behalf. Each client has a list of scopes they are able to access; you will want to give clients access only to the scopes they need to do their job. You send the client_id, client_secret, and the scopes you are accessing in an authentication request, and an Access Token is returned. That access token should be included in the Authorization header of any requests to the API.

Authentication Request

Request Example

POST /connect/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;

scope=standard.scope additional.scope

Token retrieval requires a basic POST request to our OAuth 2.0 based authentication server. Mitek recommends that developers pro-actively refresh tokens to ensure a valid token is always available for submission to the API.

In the authentication request, scopes must be included that the token will provide permissions to access. The token generated will only provide acccess to the specific operations for which the scope was requested. Mitek recommends that the token is requested with only the scopes that are minimally required to perform a specific operation.

Run in Postman

Authentication Path


Required Fields

Name Type Description Restrictions
grant_type string OAuth credential type client_credentials
client_id string Mitek provided client identifier None
client_secret string Mitek provided client secret None
scope string Space delimited list of scopes requested Based on the service being used (refer to individual products)

Authentication Response

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2Zvb2JhciIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZm9vYmFyL3Jlc291cmNlcyIsImV4cCI6MTUzNTQ5OTg4OCwibmJmIjoxNTM1NDk1ODYwLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJzb21lLmNsaWVudC5pZCIsIlRlbmFudElkIjoiZm9vYmFyIiwiY2xpZW50X25hbWUiOiJzb21lLmNsaWVudC5uYW1lIiwic2NvcGUiOlsic3RhbmRhcmQuc2NvcGUiLCJhZGRpdGlvbmFsLnNjb3BlIl0sImp0aSI6IjA4ZDhlMWM4LWZmNmItNDk0NS1hYTZjLTFkM2ZhYTUwYzg2NyIsImlhdCI6MTUzNTQ5NjI4OH0.U5-4rWHw_zemjANu76zFNrWYutupu1l-vkpCEsqIkR4", 
  "expires_in": 300,
  "token_type": "Bearer"

The authentication response includes the token to be used in subsequent requests and the number of seconds the token is valid for.

Returned Fields

Name Type Description Restrictions
access_token String Token to be submitted with any subsequent API request None
expires_in Number Duration of token validity measured in seconds None
token_type String Type of token returned (Mitek only supports Bearer tokens) Bearer

API Scopes

Scope Scope Description
global.identity.api Access to use the Mitek Identity Cloud API. All requests require this scope.
dossier.creator Ability to create new dossiers. Mobile Verify - Auto requires this scope (POST dossier).
gip.document.creator Ability to create new documents. Mobile Fill - Auto requires this scope (POST document).
faceblocklist.write Ability to create new Face Blocklist items. Face Blocklist - Create Item requires this scope. Ability to get Face Blocklist items. Face Blocklist - Get Item and Face Blocklist - Get Items require this scope.
faceblocklist.delete Ability to delete Face Blocklist items. Face Blocklist - Delete Item requires this scope.
biometric.enroll Ability to create a new MiPass enrollment. MiPass - Enroll requires this scope.
biometric.verify Ability to verify against a MiPass enrollment. MiPass - Verify requires this scope.
biometric.delete Ability to delete a MiPass enrollment. MiPass - Delete requires this scope.
biometric.quality Ability to check the quality of a voice recording for MiPass enrollment or verification. MiPass - Check Quality requires this scope.
aamva.process Ability to perform AAMVA verification. AAMVA Verification requires this scope.

Authentication Error Responses

400 Response Example (Bad Request)

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

    "error": "invalid_request"

400 Response Example (Invalid Client)

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

    "error": "invalid_client"

400 Response Example (Bad Scopes)

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

    "error": "invalid_scope"

500 Response Example

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: application/json

  "message": "An internal error has occurred. Please try again."

503 Service Unavailable

HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Content-Type: text/plain

Service Unavailable

Standard HTTP response codes and messages are used to indicate authentication success or failure.

Mobile Verify - Auto

Each auto processing request is for the evaluation of a DOSSIER (a collection of evidence) which should include at least one identity document. An identity document can consist of one or two images depending on the type of document being processed. In the request, the API requires a single image for each page of a given identity document to be submitted. An example being if a drivers license is submitted, successful processing will require submission of images of both the front and back of the document. The API also supports the following optional submissions:

Verify Auto - Request

Request Example - All Options

POST /api/verify/v2/dossier HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

  "dossierMetadata": {
    "customerReferenceId": "b09ccca3-131d-4120-823a-31c643e52cf6"
  "evidence": [
      "type": "IdDocument",
      "images": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "encryptedPayload": "BASE64 ENCODED ENCRYPTED PAYLOAD",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "encryptedPayload": "BASE64 ENCODED ENCRYPTED PAYLOAD",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID",
          "encodedData": {
            "PDF417": "DEVICE EXTRACTED PDF417 STRING"
          "acquisitionParams": {
            "isPrecropped": false,
            "isScanner": false,
            "scannerDevice": ""
      "nfc": {
        "dataFormat": "NFC DATA FORMATTING STANDARD",
        "dataGroups": {
        "activeAuthInput": {
      "type": "Biometric",
      "biometricType": "Selfie",
      "encryptedPayload": "BASE64 ENCODED ENCRYPTED PAYLOAD"
  "configuration": {
    "verifications": {
      "faceComparison": true,
      "faceLiveness": true,
      "faceBlocklist": true,
      "faceVelocity": true,
      "dataSignalAAMVA": true,
      "injectionAttackDetection": true,
      "injectionAttackDetectionAI": true,
      "templateAttackDetection": true
    "responseImages": [

Request Example - Document Only

POST /api/verify/v2/dossier HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

  "dossierMetadata": {
    "customerReferenceId": "b09ccca3-131d-4120-823a-31c643e52cf6"
  "evidence": [
      "type": "IdDocument",
      "images": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID",
          "encodedData": {
            "PDF417": "DEVICE EXTRACTED PDF417 STRING"

Request Example - Scanner Document Only

POST /api/verify/v2/dossier HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

  "dossierMetadata": {
    "customerReferenceId": "b09ccca3-131d-4120-823a-31c643e52cf6"
  "evidence": [
      "type": "IdDocument",
      "images": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID",
          "encodedData": {
            "PDF417": "DEVICE EXTRACTED PDF417 STRING"
          "acquisitionParams": {
            "isPrecropped": true,
            "isScanner": true,
            "scannerDevice": "DEFAULT"

Request Example - Document with All Face Verifications

POST /api/verify/v2/dossier HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

  "dossierMetadata": {
    "customerReferenceId": "b09ccca3-131d-4120-823a-31c643e52cf6"
  "evidence": [
      "type": "IdDocument",
      "images": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID",
          "encodedData": {
            "PDF417": "DEVICE EXTRACTED PDF417 STRING"
      "type": "Biometric",
      "biometricType": "Selfie",
      "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE"
  "configuration": {
    "verifications": {
      "faceComparison": true,
      "faceLiveness": true,
      "faceBlocklist": true,
      "faceVelocity": true

Request Example - Document with NFC

POST /api/verify/v2/dossier HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

  "dossierMetadata": {
    "customerReferenceId": "b09ccca3-131d-4120-823a-31c643e52cf6"
  "evidence": [
      "type": "IdDocument",
      "images": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID"
      "nfc": {
        "dataFormat": "NFC DATA FORMATTING STANDARD",
        "dataGroups": {
        "activeAuthInput": {

Request Example - Document with NFC and Mibi

POST /api/verify/v2/dossier HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

  "dossierMetadata": {
    "customerReferenceId": "b09ccca3-131d-4120-823a-31c643e52cf6"
  "evidence": [
      "type": "IdDocument",
      "images": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID"
      "nfc": {
        "dataFormat": "NFC DATA FORMATTING STANDARD",
        "dataGroups": {
        "activeAuthInput": {

Request Example - Document with Data Signal - AAMVA

POST /api/verify/v2/dossier HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

  "dossierMetadata": {
    "customerReferenceId": "b09ccca3-131d-4120-823a-31c643e52cf6"
  "evidence": [
      "type": "IdDocument",
      "images": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID"
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID",
          "encodedData": {
            "PDF417": "DEVICE EXTRACTED PDF417 STRING"
  "configuration": {
    "verifications": {
      "dataSignalAAMVA": true

Request Example - Document with Injection Attack Detection

POST /api/verify/v2/dossier HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

  "dossierMetadata": {
    "customerReferenceId": "b09ccca3-131d-4120-823a-31c643e52cf6"
  "evidence": [
      "type": "IdDocument",
      "images": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "encryptedPayload": "BASE64 ENCODED ENCRYPTED PAYLOAD",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "encryptedPayload": "BASE64 ENCODED ENCRYPTED PAYLOAD",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID",
          "encodedData": {
            "PDF417": "DEVICE EXTRACTED PDF417 STRING"
      "type": "Biometric",
      "biometricType": "Selfie",
      "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
      "encryptedPayload": "BASE64 ENCODED ENCRYPTED PAYLOAD"
  "configuration": {
    "verifications": {
      "faceComparison": true,
      "faceLiveness": true,
      "injectionAttackDetection": true

Run in Postman


POST /api/verify/v2/dossier

Required Fields

Name Type Description Restrictions
evidence object (array) Array of evidence to be processed as part of the request N/A
  • type
  • string Type of evidence to be processed.

    IdDocument: An identity document consisting of one or two pages (images)

    Biometric: [OPTIONAL] A biometric based evidence component

  • images
  • object (array) Any images of the document that Mitek should process, one per document page or side Limit of 2 images per document
  • data
  • string A base64-encoded image containing a single page of the document to be processed. This field is optional when the document page is represented by a PDF417 string. Otherwise it is required.
  • encryptedPayload
  • string A base64-encoded string containing an encrypted real-time security payload generated by Mitek’s MiSnap Capture SDKs v5.4.0 and newer. This field is only required if Injection Attack Detection is enabled in the request configuration.
  • customerReferenceId
  • string [OPTIONAL] Customer provided identifier that will be returned in an identically named field within the body of any subsequent responses None
  • acquisitionParams
  • object [OPTIONAL] An object with information of the device used for capturing the images. If isScanner is set to true, then isPrecropped must be present and scannerDevice must contain one of the allowed values. If isScanner is set to false, then scannerDevice must not be present (or set to empty string).
  • isPrecropped
  • Boolean [OPTIONAL] Flag to set whether the image contains an already cropped document to be processed. true or false
  • isScanner
  • Boolean [OPTIONAL] Flag to set whether the image has been acquired using a scanner. true or false
  • scannerDevice
  • string [OPTIONAL] String containing the reference to the scanner device used to acquire the image. Allowed values are: DEFAULT, PANINI_DEFAULT, PANINI_VISION_NEXT, PANINI_BIOCRED, PANINI_EVERNEXT, THALES_DEFAULT, THALES_AT10KI, VIEWSONIC_DEFAULT, VIEWSONIC_MA1014H, FLATBED_DEFAULT.
  • encodedData
  • object [OPTIONAL] An object with data extracted on-device from an identity document from machine-readable document features, e.g., barcode. N/A
  • pdf417
  • string

    A PDF417 string extracted from barcodes that support this encoding format.

  • qrcode
  • string

    A QR code value extracted from the document.

    Supplementary document info which should be sent in with the 'data' field. This field should never be sent by itself in its own image.
  • nfc
  • object [OPTIONAL] Data extracted from the chip in an electronic document. MiSnap NFC SDK provides helper methods to extract NFC data.

    Optional Fields - Dossier Metadata

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    dossierMetadata object Additional metadata to be processed as part of the request N/A
  • customerReferenceId
  • string [OPTIONAL] Customer provided identifier that will be returned in an identically named field within the body of any subsequent responses None

    Optional Fields - Biometric

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    biometricType string Type of biometric submitted to the API Selfie
    data string A base64-encoded image containing a selfie to be used for face comparison, face liveness, face blocklist, and face velocity. If Injection Attack Detection - AI ( injectionAttackDetectionAI ) is enabled, then this field is a base64-encoded string containing an encrypted payload generated by Mitek’s MiSnap Capture SDKs v5.7.0 and newer.
    encryptedPayload string A base64-encoded string containing an encrypted real-time security payload generated by Mitek’s MiSnap Capture SDKs v5.4.0 and newer. This field is only required if Injection Attack Detection is enabled in the request configuration.

    Optional Fields - NFC

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    sod string The Document Security Object extracted from the chip in an electronic document. Extracted by MiSnap NFC SDK.
    com string [OPTIONAL] The Common Data Elements extracted from the chip in an electronic document. Extracted by MiSnap NFC SDK.
    dataFormat string [OPTIONAL] The NFC data formatting standard. Allowed values are icao_9303 or eu_edl.
    dataGroups object A map of Data Groups extracted from the chip in an electronic document. Extracted by MiSnap NFC SDK.
    activeAuthInput object [OPTIONAL] Security fields extracted from the chip in an electronic document. Needed to perform active authentication. Extracted by MiSnap NFC SDK.
  • ecdsaPublicKey
  • string The public key. Extracted by MiSnap NFC SDK.
  • signature
  • string The digital signature. Extracted by MiSnap NFC SDK.
  • challenge
  • string The random bit string for signature verfication. Extracted by MiSnap NFC SDK.
    chipAuthOutput string [OPTIONAL] The base64-encoded chip authentication output. Extracted by MiSnap NFC SDK.
    portrait string [OPTIONAL] The base64-encoded portrait photo extracted from the chip in an electronic document. Extracted by MiSnap NFC SDK.
    mibi string [OPTIONAL] The base64-encoded JSON object containing session analytics for the NFC capture. This should only be used in cases where the portrait is not submitted. Extracted by MiSnap NFC SDK.

    Optional Fields - Configuration (Also Included in Response)

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    configuration object A collection of properties a customer can use to request additional items be included in the response N/A
  • verifications
  • object Contains flags for configuring optional authenticators as part of the request N/A
  • faceComparison
  • Boolean Flag to set whether face comparison should be completed as part of this request. A Selfie Evidence object must be included in order to perform face comparison with the ID Document(s). Note, if the face comparison option is enabled and is unable to run, an error will be returned. true or false
  • faceLiveness
  • Boolean Flag to set whether face liveness should be completed as part of this request. A Selfie Evidence object and face comparison option must be included in order to perform face liveness detection. Note, if the face liveness option is enabled and is unable to run, an error will be returned. true or false
  • faceBlocklist
  • Boolean Flag to set whether face blocklist should be completed as part of this request. A Selfie Evidence object must be included in order to perform face blocklist. Note, if the face blocklist option is enabled and is unable to run, an error will be returned. true or false
  • faceVelocity
  • Boolean Flag to set whether Duplicate Identity Scan (DIS) face velocity should be completed as part of this request. A Selfie Evidence object, NFC data which includes a valid portrait image, or a suitable identity document image must be included in order to perform face velocity. A suitable identity document can take the form of either the front of an identity document with a clear portrait image or a passport picture page. Note, if the face velocity option is enabled and is unable to run, an error will be returned. true or false
  • dataSignalAAMVA
  • Boolean Flag to set whether the AAMVA data signal check should be completed as part of this request. Note, if the AAMVA data signal option is enabled and is unable to run, an error will be returned. true or false
  • injectionAttackDetection
  • Boolean Flag to set whether injection attack detection should be completed as part of this request. Note, if the injection attack detection option is enabled and is unable to run, an error will be returned. true or false
  • injectionAttackDetectionAI
  • Boolean Flag to set whether injection attack detection AI should be completed as part of this request. Note, if the injection attack detection AI option is enabled and is unable to run, an error will be returned. true or false
  • templateAttackDetection
  • Boolean Flag to set whether template attack detection should be completed as part of this request. Note, if the template attack detection option is enabled and is unable to run, an error will be returned. true or false
  • responseImages
  • object (array) A list of derived image types to be included in the response




    Verify Auto - Response

    Response Example - Document Only

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 0a240c77-25b3-45ff-86ef-cf4cf14acf61
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "dossierMetadata": {
        "dossierId": "0a240c77-25b3-45ff-86ef-cf4cf14acf61",
        "processingStatus": "Successful",
        "customerReferenceId": "b09ccca3-131d-4120-823a-31c643e52cf6",
        "createdDateTime": "2018-05-03T16:02:54.3894483Z",
        "version": "v2.1.0"
      "evidence": [
          "type": "IdDocument",
          "images": [
              "imageId": "68b83834-1f93-4cea-804a-697a82ec5fa2",
              "customerReferenceId": "5d669c2b-8d15-4b5b-8186-b9115226bedf",
              "extractedData": {
                "name": {
                  "givenNames": "LYNN SHERRY",
                  "surname": "ZUMAN",
                  "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
                  "dynamicProperties": {
                    "property1": "string",
                    "property2": "string"
                "address": {
                  "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
                  "country": "USA",
                  "city": "DENVER",
                  "stateProvince": "CO",
                  "postalCode": "80203",
                  "dynamicProperties": {}
                "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
                "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
                "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
                "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
                "dynamicProperties": {
                  "property1": "string",
                  "property2": "string"
              "processingStatus": "Successful",
              "classification": {
                "mdsid": "MDS.1.0.USA.CO.DL.012011",
                "imageType": "DriversLicenseFront"
              "derivedImages": {
                "croppedPortrait": {
                  "imageId": "68b83834-1f93-4cea-804a-697a82ec5fa2",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded portrait image--"
                "croppedSignature": {
                  "imageId": "68b83834-1f93-4cea-804a-697a82ec5fa2",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded signature image--"
                "croppedDocument": {
                  "imageId": "68b83834-1f93-4cea-804a-697a82ec5fa2",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded document image--"
              "processingReasons": {}
          "evidenceId": "716bf3f7-9e95-423e-8daa-02b2843735f5",
          "extractedData": {
            "name": {
              "givenNames": "LYNN SHERRY",
              "surname": "ZUMAN",
              "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
              "dynamicProperties": {
                "property1": "string",
                "property2": "string"
            "address": {
              "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
              "country": "USA",
              "city": "DENVER",
              "stateProvince": "CO",
              "postalCode": "80203",
              "dynamicProperties": {}
            "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
            "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
            "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
            "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
            "dynamicProperties": {
              "licenseClass": "R",
              "sex": "F"
      "findings": {
        "authenticated": true,
        "probability": 998,
        "verifications": [
            "verificationType": 100,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 1000,
            "notifications": {},
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "68b83834-1f93-4cea-804a-697a82ec5fa2"
            "verificationType": 300,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 1000,
            "notifications": {
              "202": "The image has glare"
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "68b83834-1f93-4cea-804a-697a82ec5fa2"
            "verificationType": 700,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 996,
            "notifications": {},
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "68b83834-1f93-4cea-804a-697a82ec5fa2"
      "configuration": {
        "verifications": {},
        "responseImages": []

    Response Example - Document with NFC

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: c5c2ca63-6cec-4d45-a226-b59cab367328
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 2540
      "dossierMetadata": {
        "dossierId": "c5c2ca63-6cec-4d45-a226-b59cab367328",
        "processingStatus": "Successful",
        "createdDateTime": "2022-09-19T19:54:42.1488225Z",
        "version": "v2.1.0"
      "evidence": [
          "type": "IdDocument",
          "images": [
              "imageId": "3023d429-7c26-44cd-bf40-5747e01737e8",
              "extractedData": {
                "name": {
                  "givenNames": "Willeke Liselotte",
                  "surname": "De Bruijn",
                  "fullName": "Willeke Liselotte De Bruijn",
                  "dynamicProperties": {}
                "address": {
                  "dynamicProperties": {}
                "documentNumber": "SPECI2014",
                "dateOfExpiry": "2024-03-09",
                "dateOfBirth": "1965-03-10",
                "dateOfIssue": "2014-03-09",
                "dynamicProperties": {
                  "nationality": "Nederlandse",
                  "ocrDateOfBirth": "1965-03-10",
                  "ocrDateOfExpiry": "2024-03-09",
                  "ocrDateOfIssue": "2014-03-09",
                  "ocrDocumentNumber": "SPECI2014",
                  "ocrGivenNames": "Willeke Liselotte",
                  "ocrNationality": "Nederlandse",
                  "ocrSex": "F",
                  "ocrSurname": "De Bruijn",
                  "sex": "F"
              "processingStatus": "Successful",
              "classification": {
                "mdsid": "MDS.2.0.NLD..ID.STD.012014.01",
                "imageType": "IdentificationCardFront"
              "derivedImages": {},
              "processingReasons": {}
          "evidenceId": "9f3cb56f-c201-4954-97af-ba6e78818b93",
          "extractedData": {
            "name": {
              "givenNames": "Willeke Liselotte",
              "surname": "De Bruijn",
              "fullName": "Willeke Liselotte De Bruijn",
              "dynamicProperties": {}
            "address": {
              "dynamicProperties": {}
            "documentNumber": "SPECI2014",
            "dateOfExpiry": "2024-03-09",
            "dateOfBirth": "1965-03-10",
            "dateOfIssue": "2014-03-09",
            "dynamicProperties": {
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    Response Example - Document with Face Blocklist Verification (Authentic)

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    Response Example - Document with Face Blocklist Verification (Fraudulent)

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    Response Example - Document with Face Blocklist Verification (Undetermined)

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    Response Example - Document with Face Velocity Verification (Authentic)

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    Response Example - Document with Face Velocity Verification (Fraudulent)

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              "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
              "dynamicProperties": {
                "property1": "string",
                "property2": "string"
            "address": {
              "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
              "country": "USA",
              "city": "DENVER",
              "stateProvince": "CO",
              "postalCode": "80203",
              "dynamicProperties": {}
            "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
            "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
            "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
            "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
            "dynamicProperties": {
              "licenseClass": "R",
              "sex": "F"
          "type": "Biometric",
          "evidenceId": "9dbbbee8-23e4-482b-adb8-5509b1b9ebd9"
      "findings": {
        "authenticated": false,
        "probability": 0,
        "verifications": [
            "verificationType": 304,
            "name": "DIS - Face Velocity",
            "judgement": "Fraudulent",
            "probability": 0,
            "notifications": {},
            "version": "0.1",
            "documentId": "9dbbbee8-23e4-482b-adb8-5509b1b9ebd9",
            "velocityMatches": [
                "requestId": "e2b24f9d-4d0d-463a-95ce-8eb8b41f0122",
                "createdAt": "2023-05-09T23:09:46Z",
                "expiresAt": "2023-08-07T23:09:46Z"
                "requestId": "67a01b3a-9c27-4e8e-8387-827ba40384ec",
                "createdAt": "2023-05-09T23:38:54Z",
                "expiresAt": "2023-08-07T23:38:54Z"
                "requestId": "6509619a-4c53-40ca-805b-0db0d68e3b81",
                "createdAt": "2023-05-09T23:39:06Z",
                "expiresAt": "2023-08-07T23:39:06Z"
            "verificationType": 100,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 1000,
            "notifications": {},
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "05565ef2-3baa-4b02-8264-cd1cdcee5c40"
            "verificationType": 300,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 1000,
            "notifications": {
              "202": "The image has glare"
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "05565ef2-3baa-4b02-8264-cd1cdcee5c40"

    Response Example - Document with Face Velocity Verification (Undetermined)

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 52f1d6e1-ee18-4f49-bda0-65f3e02234e5
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4192
      "dossierMetadata": {
        "dossierId": "52f1d6e1-ee18-4f49-bda0-65f3e02234e5",
        "processingStatus": "Successful",
        "createdDateTime": "2023-05-12T18:36:22.6493761Z",
        "version": "v2.1.0"
      "evidence": [
          "type": "IdDocument",
          "images": [
              "imageId": "65f26814-ae44-4b8c-9d63-07d7cccec46b",
              "customerReferenceId": "922f7781-c81c-4f0a-874d-6a9febca73ca",
              "extractedData": {
                "name": {
                  "givenNames": "LYNN SHERRY",
                  "surname": "ZUMAN",
                  "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
                  "dynamicProperties": {
                    "property1": "string",
                    "property2": "string"
                "address": {
                  "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
                  "country": "USA",
                  "city": "DENVER",
                  "stateProvince": "CO",
                  "postalCode": "80203",
                  "dynamicProperties": {}
                "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
                "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
                "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
                "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
                "dynamicProperties": {
                  "property1": "string",
                  "property2": "string"
              "processingStatus": "Successful",
              "classification": {
                "mdsid": "MDS.1.0.USA.CO.DL.012011",
                "imageType": "DriversLicenseFront"
              "derivedImages": {
                "croppedPortrait": {
                  "imageId": "65f26814-ae44-4b8c-9d63-07d7cccec46b",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded portrait image--"
                "croppedSignature": {
                  "imageId": "65f26814-ae44-4b8c-9d63-07d7cccec46b",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded signature image--"
                "croppedDocument": {
                  "imageId": "65f26814-ae44-4b8c-9d63-07d7cccec46b",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded document image--"
              "processingReasons": {}
          "evidenceId": "0bb61f24-8d36-47ea-815f-b7dbbfa348dd",
          "extractedData": {
            "name": {
              "givenNames": "LYNN SHERRY",
              "surname": "ZUMAN",
              "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
              "dynamicProperties": {
                "property1": "string",
                "property2": "string"
            "address": {
              "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
              "country": "USA",
              "city": "DENVER",
              "stateProvince": "CO",
              "postalCode": "80203",
              "dynamicProperties": {}
            "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
            "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
            "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
            "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
            "dynamicProperties": {
              "licenseClass": "R",
              "sex": "F"
          "type": "Biometric",
          "evidenceId": "bb5fedb1-cdc7-4d4b-b9a7-48714e0e40dc"
      "findings": {
        "authenticated": false,
        "probability": 0,
        "verifications": [
            "verificationType": 304,
            "name": "DIS - Face Velocity",
            "judgement": "Undetermined",
            "probability": 0,
            "notifications": {
              "642": "The face could not be detected in the selfie image"
            "version": "0.1",
            "documentId": "bb5fedb1-cdc7-4d4b-b9a7-48714e0e40dc",
            "velocityMatches": []
            "verificationType": 100,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 1000,
            "notifications": {},
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "65f26814-ae44-4b8c-9d63-07d7cccec46b"
            "verificationType": 300,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 1000,
            "notifications": {
              "202": "The image has glare"
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "65f26814-ae44-4b8c-9d63-07d7cccec46b"

    Response Example - Document with Template Attack Detection (Authentic)

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: fb1eeb0c-f0f4-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4381
      "dossierMetadata": {
        "dossierId": "fb1eeb0c-f0f4-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003",
        "processingStatus": "Successful",
        "createdDateTime": "2023-05-12T21:43:41.4963761Z",
        "version": "v2.1.0"
      "evidence": [
          "type": "IdDocument",
          "images": [
              "imageId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430",
              "customerReferenceId": "1a59c599-bb5b-4ccc-baf7-e0e499495a3b",
              "extractedData": {
                "name": {
                  "givenNames": "LYNN SHERRY",
                  "surname": "ZUMAN",
                  "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
                  "dynamicProperties": {
                    "property1": "string",
                    "property2": "string"
                "address": {
                  "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
                  "country": "USA",
                  "city": "DENVER",
                  "stateProvince": "CO",
                  "postalCode": "80203",
                  "dynamicProperties": {}
                "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
                "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
                "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
                "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
                "dynamicProperties": {
                  "property1": "string",
                  "property2": "string"
              "processingStatus": "Successful",
              "classification": {
                "mdsid": "MDS.1.0.USA.CO.DL.012011",
                "imageType": "DriversLicenseFront"
              "derivedImages": {
                "croppedPortrait": {
                  "imageId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded portrait image--"
                "croppedSignature": {
                  "imageId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded signature image--"
                "croppedDocument": {
                  "imageId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded document image--"
              "processingReasons": {}
          "evidenceId": "d63ae08e-e312-4db7-9b4f-1c8f06f1bfbe",
          "extractedData": {
            "name": {
              "givenNames": "LYNN SHERRY",
              "surname": "ZUMAN",
              "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
              "dynamicProperties": {
                "property1": "string",
                "property2": "string"
            "address": {
              "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
              "country": "USA",
              "city": "DENVER",
              "stateProvince": "CO",
              "postalCode": "80203",
              "dynamicProperties": {}
            "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
            "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
            "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
            "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
            "dynamicProperties": {
              "licenseClass": "R",
              "sex": "F"
          "type": "Biometric",
          "evidenceId": "1278439e-f003-4e0a-bbfa-94702f1907f8"
      "findings": {
        "authenticated": true,
        "probability": 1000,
        "verifications": [
            "verificationType": 109,
            "name": "Template Attack Detection",
            "judgement": "Authentic",
            "probability": 1000,
            "notifications": {},
            "version": "1.0",
            "documentId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430",
            "imageMatches": [
                "requestId": "2c6faa24-0276-466b-9fb8-eefcec06303f",
                "imageId":   "3e2b4570-f041-416c-87c2-248a40241426",
                "createdAt": "2023-05-10T20:27:54Z",
                "expiresAt": "2023-08-08T20:27:54Z"
                "requestId": "5bf8f607-86bd-40bf-9b14-468ba2deb962",
                "imageId":   "52a5b0cc-3391-476e-8c08-fbeec41c5845",
                "createdAt": "2023-05-09T23:09:58Z",
                "expiresAt": "2023-08-07T23:09:58Z"
            "verificationType": 100,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 1000,
            "notifications": {},
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430"
            "verificationType": 300,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 0,
            "notifications": {
              "202": "The image has glare"
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430"

    Response Example - Document with Template Attack Detection (Fraudulent)

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: fb1eeb0c-f0f4-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4381
      "dossierMetadata": {
        "dossierId": "fb1eeb0c-f0f4-11ed-a05b-0242ac120003",
        "processingStatus": "Successful",
        "createdDateTime": "2023-05-12T21:43:41.4963761Z",
        "version": "v2.1.0"
      "evidence": [
          "type": "IdDocument",
          "images": [
              "imageId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430",
              "customerReferenceId": "1a59c599-bb5b-4ccc-baf7-e0e499495a3b",
              "extractedData": {
                "name": {
                  "givenNames": "LYNN SHERRY",
                  "surname": "ZUMAN",
                  "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
                  "dynamicProperties": {
                    "property1": "string",
                    "property2": "string"
                "address": {
                  "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
                  "country": "USA",
                  "city": "DENVER",
                  "stateProvince": "CO",
                  "postalCode": "80203",
                  "dynamicProperties": {}
                "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
                "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
                "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
                "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
                "dynamicProperties": {
                  "property1": "string",
                  "property2": "string"
              "processingStatus": "Successful",
              "classification": {
                "mdsid": "MDS.1.0.USA.CO.DL.012011",
                "imageType": "DriversLicenseFront"
              "derivedImages": {
                "croppedPortrait": {
                  "imageId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded portrait image--"
                "croppedSignature": {
                  "imageId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded signature image--"
                "croppedDocument": {
                  "imageId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430",
                  "data": "--base64 encoded document image--"
              "processingReasons": {}
          "evidenceId": "d63ae08e-e312-4db7-9b4f-1c8f06f1bfbe",
          "extractedData": {
            "name": {
              "givenNames": "LYNN SHERRY",
              "surname": "ZUMAN",
              "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
              "dynamicProperties": {
                "property1": "string",
                "property2": "string"
            "address": {
              "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
              "country": "USA",
              "city": "DENVER",
              "stateProvince": "CO",
              "postalCode": "80203",
              "dynamicProperties": {}
            "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
            "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
            "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
            "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
            "dynamicProperties": {
              "licenseClass": "R",
              "sex": "F"
          "type": "Biometric",
          "evidenceId": "1278439e-f003-4e0a-bbfa-94702f1907f8"
      "findings": {
        "authenticated": false,
        "probability": 0,
        "verifications": [
            "verificationType": 109,
            "name": "Template Attack Detection",
            "judgement": "Fraudulent",
            "probability": 0,
            "notifications": {},
            "version": "1.0",
            "documentId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430",
            "imageMatches": [
                "requestId": "2c6faa24-0276-466b-9fb8-eefcec06303f",
                "imageId":   "3e2b4570-f041-416c-87c2-248a40241426",
                "createdAt": "2023-05-10T20:27:54Z"
                "requestId": "5bf8f607-86bd-40bf-9b14-468ba2deb962",
                "imageId":   "52a5b0cc-3391-476e-8c08-fbeec41c5845",
                "createdAt": "2023-05-09T23:09:58Z"
            "verificationType": 100,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 1000,
            "notifications": {},
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430"
            "verificationType": 300,
            "name": "Authenticator Name",
            "judgement": "Authentic | Fraudulent | Undetermined",
            "probability": 0,
            "notifications": {
              "202": "The image has glare"
            "version": "",
            "documentId": "24601e3a-4ec8-478e-9e01-a16414676430"

    Returned HTTP Headers

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer The total duration, in milliseconds, from the time the entire request was received until the response was sent. None
    mitek-RequestId string The id that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction. None

    Returned Fields - Dossier Metadata

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    dossierMetadata object Details of processing outcomes for the submitted dossier UUID
  • dossierId
  • string The UUID assigned to the submitted dossier. UUID
  • processingStatus
  • string Overall processing status of the request



  • customerReferenceId
  • string A value that was submitted with the original request that is returned in the response None
  • createdDateTime
  • string Time at which the request was submitted None
  • version
  • string Version of the Mitek API that completed processing on the dossier None

    Returned Fields - Evidence

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    evidence object (array) Array of evidence to be processed as part of the request N/A
  • type
  • string Type of evidence to be processed.

    IdDocument: An identity document consisting of one or two pages (images)

    Biometric: [OPTIONAL] A biometric based evidence component

  • images
  • object (array) Any images of the document that Mitek should process, one per document page or side N/A
  • customerReferenceId
  • string [OPTIONAL] Customer provided identifier that will be returned in an identically named field within the body of any subsequent responses None
  • imageId
  • string The UUID assigned to the submitted image.
  • extractedData
  • object Data extracted from the submitted image / encoded data provided. See link
  • processingStatus
  • string Indicator of whether the platform was able to process the provided images

    Successful: Completed processing successfully

    Failed: Processing failed on this image. In the event of processing failure, processing reasons will be populated with details of why the image failed processing

  • classification
  • object Details of the classification of the document present in the image
  • mdsid
  • string Mitek document classification identifier
  • imageType
  • string Top level classification of the type of identity document present in the provided image Top Level classification response values:
    • Unknown
    • DriversLicenseFront
    • DriversLicenseBack
    • PassportSignature
    • PassportPicturePage
    • IdentificationCardFront
    • IdentificationCardBack
    • ResidencePermitFront
    • ResidencePermitBack
    • PassportCardFront
    • PassportCardBack
    • HealthServicesCardFront
    • HealthServicesCardBack
    • Visa
  • derivedImages
  • object (array) [OPTIONAL] Collection of derived images optionally returned in the response (NOTE: These will only be returned if specifically requested in the API request)
  • croppedPortrait
  • object [OPTIONAL] Derived Image - Cropped Portrait
  • imageId
  • string The UUID associated to the submitted image
  • data
  • string Base64 string representation of the cropped portrait
  • croppedSignature
  • object [OPTIONAL] Derived Image - Cropped signature
  • imageId
  • string The UUID associated to the submitted image
  • data
  • string Base64 string representation of the cropped signature
  • croppedDocument
  • object [OPTIONAL] Derived Image - Cropped Document
  • imageId
  • string The UUID associated to the submitted image
  • data
  • string Base64 string representation of the cropped document
  • evidenceId
  • string The UUID assigned to the submitted evidence
  • extractedData
  • object Data extracted and merged from all submitted images and encoded data See link
  • nfcExtractedData
  • object Data extracted from the NFC data groups See link

    Returned Fields - Extracted Data (Found Under Evidence)

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    extractedData object Extracted data from an image or id document
  • name
  • object The data extracted from the submitted document, specifically from fields that are related to the name of whom the document was issued.
  • givenNames
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the given names of the person to which the document was issued.
  • surname
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the surname of the person to which the document was issued.
  • fullName
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the full name of the person to which the document was issued.
  • dynamicProperties
  • object (array) Key / Value pairs of fields made available on the document. NOTE: Field availability is not guaranteed; fields in dynamic properties are returned on a best effort basis dependent on the document type or specific document encoding.
  • address
  • object The data extracted from the submitted document, specifically from fields that are related to the address of whom the document was issued.
  • addressLine1
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the first line of the address, as printed, of the person to which the document was issued. This does not contain any data that was parsed out into other fields.
  • addressLine2
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the second line of the address, as printed, of the person to which the document was issued. This does not contain any data that was parsed out into other fields.
  • addressLine3
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the third line of the address, as printed, of the person to which the document was issued. This does not contain any data that was parsed out into other fields.
  • addressLine4
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the fourth line of the address, as printed, of the person to which the document was issued. This does not contain any data that was parsed out into other fields.
  • country
  • string The country of the address of the person to whom the document was issued.
  • city
  • string The parsed out city of the address of the person to whom the document was issued.
  • stateProvince
  • string The parsed out postal code of the address of the person to whom the document was issued.
  • postalCode
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the fourth line of the address, as printed, of the person to which the document was issued. This does not contain any data that was parsed out into other fields.
  • dynamicProperties
  • object (array) Key / Value pairs of fields made available on the document. NOTE: Field availability is not guaranteed; fields in dynamic properties are returned on a best effort basis dependent on the document type or specific document encoding.
  • documentNumber
  • string The document number that is visible on a physical document.
  • dateOfExpiry
  • string The date of expiry that is visible on a physical document.
  • dateOfBirth
  • string The date of birth that is visible on a physical document.
  • dateOfIssue
  • string The date of issuance that is visible on a physical document.
  • dynamicProperties
  • object (array) Key / Value pairs of fields made available on the document. NOTE: Field availability is not guaranteed; fields in dynamic properties are returned on a best effort basis dependent on the document type or specific document encoding.

    Returned Fields - NFC Extracted Data (Found Under Evidence)

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    nfcExtractedData object Extracted data from the NFC chip
  • name
  • object The data extracted from the NFC chip of the submitted document, specifically from fields that are related to the name of whom the document was issued.
  • givenNames
  • string The data extracted from the NFC chip related to the given names of the person to which the document was issued.
  • surname
  • string The data extracted from the NFC chip related to the surname of the person to which the document was issued.
  • fullName
  • string The data extracted from the NFC chip related to the full name of the person to which the document was issued.
  • dynamicProperties
  • object (array) Key / Value pairs of fields made available on the document. NOTE: Field availability is not guaranteed; fields in dynamic properties are returned on a best effort basis dependent on the document type or specific document encoding.
  • address
  • object The data extracted from the NFC chip of the submitted document, specifically from fields that are related to the address of whom the document was issued.
  • addressLine1
  • string The data extracted from the NFC chip related to the lines of the address of the person to which the document was issued.
  • dynamicProperties
  • object (array) Key / Value pairs of fields made available on the document. NOTE: Field availability is not guaranteed; fields in dynamic properties are returned on a best effort basis dependent on the document type or specific document encoding.
  • documentNumber
  • string The document number that is extracted from the NFC chip.
  • dateOfExpiry
  • string The date of expiry that is extracted from the NFC chip.
  • dateOfBirth
  • string The date of birth that is extracted from the NFC chip.
  • dateOfIssue
  • string The date of issuance that is extracted from the NFC chip.
  • dynamicProperties
  • object (array) Key / Value pairs of fields made available on the document. NOTE: Field availability is not guaranteed; fields in dynamic properties are returned on a best effort basis dependent on the document type or specific document encoding.

    Returned Fields - Findings

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    findings object Contains details of the authenticity outcomes from processing of the dossier N/A
  • authenticated
  • Boolean Overall determination of the authenticity of the dossier based on the evidence presented true or false
  • probability
  • integer Overall authenticity score used in the determination of the overall authenticity of the dossier N/A
  • verifications
  • object (array) Details of authenticators that were a part of the dossier assessment N/A
  • verificationType
  • integer 3-digit code indicating the type of authenticator N/A
  • name
  • string Name of the individual authenticator N/A
  • judgement
  • string Overall determination of the authenticity of the dossier based on the evidence presented




  • probability
  • integer Overall authenticity score used in the determination of the overall authenticity of the dossier N/A
  • notifications
  • object In the event a given authenticator was unable to run, details will be provided in the notifications as to why the authenticator was unable to run N/A
  • version
  • string Version of the individual authenticator N/A
  • documentId
  • string Identifier for the document OR image to which this particular authenticator N/A
  • blocklistMatches
  • object (array) Face Blocklist matches corresponding to this dossier N/A
  • matchItem
  • object Details of matching blocklist item N/A
  • itemId
  • string The unique identifier associated with the blocklist item UUID
  • blockTransactionId
  • string The dossier ID of a previous Mobile Verify transaction containing the matching blocked face UUID
  • createdAt
  • string The timestamp for when this blocklist item was created RFC 3339 Timestamp
  • velocityMatches
  • object (array) Duplicate Identity Scan (DIS) Face Velocity matches corresponding to this dossier N/A
  • matchItem
  • object Details of matching face velocity item N/A
  • requestId
  • string The dossier ID of a previous Mobile Verify transaction containing the matching face UUID
  • createdAt
  • string The timestamp for when this Mobile Verify transaction took place RFC 3339 Timestamp
  • expiresAt
  • string The timestamp for when this Mobile Verify transaction expires RFC 3339 Timestamp
  • imageMatches
  • object (array) Template Attack Detection matches corresponding to this image N/A
  • matchItem
  • object Details of matching template attack detection item N/A
  • requestId
  • string The dossier ID of a previous Mobile Verify transaction containing the matching image UUID
  • imageId
  • string The image ID from the previous Mobile Verify transaction with the associated dossier ID containing the matching image UUID
  • createdAt
  • string For Authentic finding: The timestamp for the referenced Mobile Verify transaction. For Fraudulent finding: The timestamp indicating when this image was identified as a forgery template. RFC 3339 Timestamp
  • expiresAt
  • string The timestamp for when this Mobile Verify transaction expires (only applicable to Authentic finding) RFC 3339 Timestamp

    Verify Auto - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The id that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The time (in milliseconds) from when the request was received and ending when the reponse is returned.

    Verify Auto - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    201 Created Created
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Verify Auto - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid Request Format - [... details ...]"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "There is an error with your Face Velocity configuration. Please contact support to resolve."

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "You do not have the correct permissions to create a dossier."

    408 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 408,
      "message": "Request Timeout"

    413 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 413 Payload Too Large
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 413,
      "message": "Request entity too large"

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "An error has occurred."

    Verify Auto - Processing Reasons

    Category Reason Code Message Description User Action
    Extraction - Barcode 500 The barcode could not be found. The document was classified as a type that contains a barcode but the barcode could not be found. Take a new image with a clear picture of the barcode.
    Extraction - Barcode 501 The barcode could not be extracted. The barcode was found but could not be read. This can be due to image quality, parts of the barcode being obscured, or a misprinted barcode.
    Extraction - Barcode 502 The barcode could not be parsed. The barcode was read but the resulting data was not in the expected format. For US drivers licenses, it means the PDF417 barcode was read but the AAMVA string was formatted incorrectly.
    Extraction - Barcode 503 The barcode could not be processed A problem was encountered when trying to process barcode extraction and parsing. This is likely due to the barcode parsing license file not found on the server.
    Extraction - General 510 No data could be extracted for this document. Data could not be extracted Retake Image
    Extraction - General 511 Data could not be extracted from the back of the document. Data could not be extracted from the back of the document. Retake image
    Extraction - General 512 The front of the ID document could not be extracted. The front of the ID document could not be extracted. Retake Image
    Extraction - General 513 Document not supported for extraction The document may or may not be classified but it is currently not supported for extraction.
    Extraction - General 520 Extraction acceptance failed. The data was extracted, but did not pass our additional checks to ensure the extraction is accurate. Retake Image
    Image Quality 200 Image quality check failed. The image has failed image quality check. Retake Image
    Image Quality 201 The image is not sharp. The image is out of focus. Retake Image
    Image Quality 202 The image has glare. Glare was found on the document preventing extraction or authentication. This will only be returned when the glare impacts our ability to extract or validate. Glare that is non-impactful will be ignored.
    Image Quality 203 The image is too dark. The image is too dark. Retake Image - Take a new picture in a brighter location.
    Image Quality 204 The document on the image is too small. The amount of the image that the document takes up is too small. Retake Image - Try changing from portrait to landscape mode or getting closer to the image.
    Image Quality 205 The ID document could not be found. This can be caused by the image not showing all four corners of the document. Retake Image - Ensure all four sides of the document are visible.
    Image Quality 206 The type of ID document could not be determined. The type of document could not be identified. This could be caused by a low quality image or it could be a document that is not supported. Retake Image - If it continues to fail, try a different document.
    Image Quality 208 Invalid Image Type The encoding of the image is incorrect. It is not in a format that Mitek is able to process. Take a new image in a supported format.
    Image Quality 209 Image is too small The input image had a width or height less than 400 pixels. Take a larger image.
    Image Quality 210 Image processing failed after resizing. The input image had a width or height greater than 2000 pixels and was resized. You will only receive this message if processing failed after resizing. Take a smaller image.
    Image Quality 211 The authenticator could not run because the input image was missing The authenticator was not able to assess the document because the input image was missing. Ensure that at least one image of an identity document was captured and submitted in the service request.
    Image Quality 212 The image quality of the authenticator input image was poor. The authenticator was not able to assess the document because the image quality was too poor. Have the consumer capture a better quality image.
    Verification - Data Comparison 660 The document does not have enough fields to perform data comparison Field comparison could not be performed because there were not enough fields on the document to perform a data comparison.
    Verification - ESF 600 The Enhanced Security Feature (ESF) was expected for this type of document and not found. The document should have contained an ESF feature but no ESF was found.
    Verification - ESF 601 Only part of the Enhanced Security Feature (ESF) was found; the ID document may have been altered. Only part of the Enhanced Security Feature (ESF) was found; the ID document may have been altered.
    Verification - ESF 602 Only part of the Enhanced Security Feature (ESF) was found; the ID document may have been altered. Only part of the Enhanced Security Feature (ESF) was found; the ID document may have been altered.
    Verification - ESF 603 The Enhanced Security Feature (ESF) was found but shows evidence of tampering. The Enhanced Security Feature (ESF) was found but shows evidence of tampering.
    Verification - Face Comparison 640 Unable to get portrait image from ID document. Unable to get portrait image from ID document.
    Verification - Face Comparison 642 The face could not be detected in the selfie image Face Comparison requires two human faces; the face could not be detected in the selfie image. Retake Selfie Image
    Verification - Face Comparison 643 The face could not be detected in the portrait image Face Comparison requires two human faces; the face could not be detected in the cropped portrait image extracted from the document or in the document itself. Retake Document Image
    Verification - Face Comparison 644 The selfie image base64 string could not be decoded Face Comparison could not be performed, because there was a file decoding error with the selfie image.
    Verification - Face Comparison 645 The portrait image base64 string could not be decoded Face Comparison could not be performed, because there was a file decoding error with the cropped portrait image or the ID document image.
    Verification - Face Detection 610 The picture area could not be identified. The portrait on the document could not be located.
    Verification - Face Detection 611 The picture image quality is too low. the portrait image quality is loo low. Retake Image
    Verification - Face Detection 612 The picture image has poor exposure. The picture image has poor exposure. Retake Image
    Verification - Font Consistency 650 The fields used to determine font consistency could not be extracted The fields used to determine font consistency did not return any extraction results
    Verification - Face Liveness 670 The face is too close to the camera Face Liveness could not be performed, because the distance between face and image border is too small. Retake Image - try holding the camera farther away from the face
    Verification - Face Liveness 671 The face could not be detected Face Liveness could not be performed, because the face could not be detected in the image. Retake Image
    Verification - Face Liveness 672 The face is too far from the camera Face Liveness could not be performed, because the facial area is not big enough for analysis. Retake Image - try holding the camera closer to the face
    Verification - Face Liveness 673 The angle between the face and camera is too large Face Liveness could not be performed, because the facial out-of-plane rotation angle is extremely large. Retake Image - try holding the camera parallel with the face
    Verification - Face Liveness 674 The selfie image base64 string could not be decoded Face Liveness could not be performed, because there was a file decoding error.
    Verification - Face Liveness 675 The selfie image could not be encoded Face Liveness could not be performed, because there was a file encoding error.
    Verification - Face Liveness 676 The selfie has failed the image quality check Face Liveness could not be performed, because the selfie has failed an image quality check.
    Verification - Face Liveness 677 There is more than one face in the image Face Liveness could not be performed, because there is more than one face detected in the selfie image. Retake Image
    Verification - Face Liveness 678 The face is cropped Face Liveness could not be performed, because the complete face is not present. Retake selfie and make sure that the complete face is present.
    Verification - Barcode Analysis 680 The barcode could not be found or was only partially detected on the document. The PDF417 barcode, typically found on USA or Canadian driving licenses or ID cards, could not be detected. The customer could instruct the consumer to retake the image if the document submitted was a USA or Canadian DL or ID. This may yield an image that could be read.
    Verification - NFC Passive Authentication 687 DG2 or DG6 is required when face comparison is requested To ensure the integrity of the portrait image used for face comparison, DG2 or DG6 must be included when face comparison is requested. Ensure the portrait image is read during the NFC capture and the associated data-group (DG2 or DG6) is included in the request when face comparison is requested.
    Verification - NFC Active Authentication 688 Failed to interpret unknown signature scheme. Active Authentication could not be performed, because the signature scheme is unknown.
    Verification - NFC Active Authentication 689 Weak signature algorithm used which cannot be trusted. The eMRTD uses a weak signature algorithm such as SHA-1 for Active Authentication which cannot be trusted.
    Verification - NFC Active Authentication 690 Active Authentication is not supported for this document. The electronic document does not support NFC Active Authentication.
    Verification - NFC Passive Authentication 691 Document is incorrectly signed. We are unable to verify the signing certificate of the electronic document.
    Verification - NFC Passive Authentication 692 Document signing certificate is not verified. We are unable to verify the signing certificate of the electronic document.
    Verification - NFC Passive Authentication 693 Document data is tampered. The document is fraudulent as the data in the chip of this electronic document has been tampered with and is not valid.
    Verification - NFC Passive Authentication 694 Document signing certificate is revoked. NFC authentication is inconclusive as the certificate that the document was signed with has been revoked. The overall authentication will be based on Optical Authentication.
    Verification - NFC Chip Authentication 695 This MiSnap version does not support Chip Authentication. Contact your Mitek representative for upgrade information. This MiSnap version does not support Chip Authentication. Contact your Mitek representative for upgrade information.
    Verification - NFC Chip Authentication 696 The document does not support Chip Authentication. The document does not support Chip Authentication.
    Verification - NFC Chip Authentication 697 Document has known defects that prevent authentication. The document issuer has configured the data on the NFC chip in a non-standard way such that we cannot confidently perform chip authentication.
    Verification - CIFD 698 The authenticator took too long to process. The authenticator took longer to process than was allowed to ensure a quick Mobile Verify Auto response.
    Verification - General 699 The authenticator is not available for this document. This message is returned when an authenticity test was not applied to a document because the document doesn't have the necessary features or some design features prevent evaluation
    Verification - MFTA 620 No MRZ was found on the document. The document was expected to have an MRZ on it based on its classification but no MRZ could be found.
    Verification - MFTA 621 The MRZ was detected but was not in the proper format. The MRZ was detected but was not in the proper format.
    Verification - MRZ 630 The MRZ check digits are invalid. The MRZ check digits are invalid.
    Verification - AAMVA 700 Unavailable due to scheduled maintenance AAMVA or the document’s issuing jurisdiction is currently in a scheduled maintenance window. In order to avoid a billable event, this transaction was not submitted.
    Verification - AAMVA 701 Jurisdiction temporarily unavailable The document’s issuing jurisdiction is currently unable to process transactions.
    Verification - AAMVA 702 Jurisdiction system error The document’s issuing jurisdiction encountered an unknown error.
    Verification - AAMVA 703 Jurisdiction did not respond in a timely manner The document’s issuing jurisdiction did not respond in a timely manner.
    Verification - Document Liveness 801 Document is too close to the camera Document Liveness could not be performed, because the document is too close to the camera. Retake Image - try holding the camera farther away from the document
    Verification - Document Liveness 802 Document is too close to the image border Document Liveness could not be performed, because the distance between document and image border is too small. Retake Image
    Verification - Document Liveness 803 Part of the document is not present in the image Document Liveness could not be performed, because a part of the document is not visible in the image. Retake Image
    Verification - Document Liveness 804 Document is not detected in the image Document Liveness could not be performed, because the document could not be detected in the image. Retake Image
    Verification - Document Liveness 805 Document size in the image is too small Document Liveness could not be performed, because the document size in the image is too small. Retake Image - try holding the camera closer to the document
    Verification - Document Liveness 806 Too many documents were detected in the image Document Liveness could not be performed, because there are multiple documents in the image. Retake Image
    Verification - Document Liveness 807 Document Liveness temporarily unavailable Document Liveness service did not respond in a timely manner.
    Verification - Document Liveness 808 Document is colorless Document Liveness could not be performed, because the image is colorless.
    Verification - Document Liveness 809 Document photo is not detected in the image Document photo is not detected in the image, ensure that the document is completely visible in the image. Retake Image
    Verification - DIS - Face Blocklist 810 Face Blocklist temporarily unavailable Face Blocklist service did not respond in a timely manner. Resubmit the transaction. If multiple attempts return the same error, please wait before trying again.
    Verification - Document Liveness 811 The document image base64 string could not be decoded Document Liveness could not be performed, because there was a file decoding error with the image.
    Verification - Document Liveness 812 Image quality check failed Document Liveness could not be performed, because the quality check has failed. Retake Image
    Verification - DIS - Face Velocity 820 Unable to obtain suitable image for Duplicate Identity Scan. Duplicate Identity Scan requires an image of a face. If the transaction does not contain a selfie image or a suitable identity document image, the verification is unable to run.
    Verification - DIS - Face Velocity 821 DIS - Face Velocity temporarily unavailable DIS Face Velocity service did not respond in a timely manner. Resubmit the transaction. If multiple attempts return the same error, please wait before trying again.
    Verification - Injection Attack Detection 830 Encrypted payload is missing. Injection Attack Detection failed because the required encrypted payload associated with the image was not submitted in the service request. Ensure that the encrypted payload associated with each image is submitted in the service request.
    Verification - Injection Attack Detection - AI 831 The image base64 string could not be decoded This happens if the base64 data is not a correct encrypted blob payload or is corrupted.
    Verification - Injection Attack Detection - AI 832 The image metadata could not be read Encrypted blob data is not generated with the correct format.
    Verification - Injection Attack Detection - AI 833 The message could not be decrypted This happens if the data was encrypted using the wrong public key in the capture library.
    Verification - Injection Attack Detection - AI 834 Injection Attack Detection AI temporarily unavailable Injection Attack Detection AI did not respond in a timely manner. Resubmit the transaction. If multiple attempts return the same error, please wait before trying again.
    Verification - Template Attack Detection 840 The image base64 string could not be decoded Template Attack Detection could not be performed, because there was a file decoding error with the ID document image.
    Verification - Template Attack Detection 841 Image does not meet requirements for Template Attack Detection The encoding of the input image is not in a format that Mitek is able to process or the image had a width or height less than 3 pixels. Take a new image in a supported format and ensure the size requirements are met.
    Verification - Template Attack Detection 842 Template Attack Detection temporarily unavailable Template Attack Detection service did not respond in a timely manner. Resubmit the transaction. If multiple attempts return the same error, please wait before trying again.

    Mobile Fill - Auto

    Each auto processing request is for the evaluation of a single document that can consist of one to many images depending on the type of document being processed. In the submitted request, the API requires a single image for each page of a given identity document to be submitted. Mobile Fill does not require all pages of a document to be submitted for successful processing, however the Mobile Fill solution will work optimally with all document pages available.

    Fill Auto - Request

    Request Example

    POST /api/extract/v2/document HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json;
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "images": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE",
          "customerReferenceId": "OPTIONAL CUSTOMER IMAGE REFERENCE ID",
          "encodedData": {

    Run in Postman


    POST /api/extract/v2/document

    Required Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    images object (array) Any images of the document that Mitek should process, one per document page or side Limit of 2 images per document
  • data
  • string A base64-encoded image containing a single page of the document to be processed.

    Optional Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string [OPTIONAL] Customer provided identifier that will be returned in an identically named field within the body of any subsequent responses None
    encodedData object (array) [OPTIONAL] An array of data extracted on-device from an identity document from machine-readable document features, e.g., barcode. N/A
  • pdf417
  • string

    A PDF417 string extracted from barcodes that support this encoding format.

  • qrcode
  • string

    A QR code value extracted from the document.

    Supplementary document info which should be sent in with the 'data' field. This field should never be sent by itself in its own image.

    Each auto processing request is for the evaluation of a single DOCUMENT that can consist of one to many images depending on the type of document being processed.

    Fill Auto - Response

    Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "type": "IdDocument",
      "images": [
          "customerReferenceId": "5d669c2b-8d15-4b5b-8186-b9115226bedf",
          "imageId": "68b83834-1f93-4cea-804a-697a82ec5fa2",
          "extractedData": {
            "name": {
              "givenNames": "LYNN SHERRY",
              "surname": "ZUMAN",
              "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
              "dynamicProperties": {
                "string": "string",
                "string": "string"
            "address": {
              "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
              "country": "USA",
              "city": "DENVER",
              "stateProvince": "CO",
              "postalCode": "80203",
              "dynamicProperties": {}
            "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
            "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
            "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
            "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
            "dynamicProperties": {
                "sex": "F"
          "processingStatus": "Successful",
          "classification": {
            "mdsid": "MDS.1.0.USA.CO.DL.012011",
            "imageType": "DriversLicenseFront"
          "processingReasons": {}
      "evidenceId": "716bf3f7-9e95-423e-8daa-02b2843735f5",
      "extractedData": {
        "name": {
          "givenNames": "LYNN SHERRY",
          "surname": "ZUMAN",
          "fullName": "LYNN SHERRY ZUMAN",
          "dynamicProperties": {
              "string": "string",
              "string": "string"
        "address": {
          "addressLine1": "201 EAST COLFAX AVE",
          "country": "USA",
          "city": "DENVER",
          "stateProvince": "CO",
          "postalCode": "80203",
          "dynamicProperties": {
              "string": "string",
              "string": "string"
        "documentNumber": "99-765-4321",
        "dateOfExpiry": "2015-12-29",
        "dateOfBirth": "1989-03-16",
        "dateOfIssue": "2009-02-07",
        "dynamicProperties": {
            "string": "string",
            "string": "string"

    Returned Fields - Document Response

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    type string Type of evidence to be processed. IdDocument: An identity document consisting of one or more pages (images).
    images object (array) Any images of the document that Mitek should process, one per document page or side N/A
  • customerReferenceId
  • string [OPTIONAL] Customer provided identifier that will be returned in an identically named field within the body of any subsequent responses None
  • imageId
  • string The UUID assigned to the submitted image.
  • extractedData
  • object Data extracted from the submitted image / encoded data provided. See link
  • processingStatus
  • string Indicator of whether the platform was able to process the provided images

    Successful: Completed processing successfully

    Failed: Processing failed on this image. In the event of processing failure, processing reasons will be populated with details of why the image failed processing

  • classification
  • object Details of the classification of the document present in the image
  • mdsid
  • string Mitek document classification identifier
  • imageType
  • string Top level classification of the type of identity document present in the provided image Top Level classification response values:
    • Unknown
    • DriversLicenseFront
    • DriversLicenseBack
    • PassportSignature
    • PassportPicturePage
    • IdentificationCardFront
    • IdentificationCardBack
    • ResidencePermitFront
    • ResidencePermitBack
    • PassportCardFront
    • PassportCardBack
    • HealthServicesCardFront
    • HealthServicesCardBack
    • Visa
  • derivedImages
  • object (array) [OPTIONAL] Collection of derived images optionally returned in the response (NOTE: These will only be returned if specifically requested in the API request)
  • croppedPortrait
  • object [OPTIONAL] Derived Image - Cropped Portrait
  • imageId
  • string The UUID associated to the submitted image
  • data
  • string Base64 string representation of the cropped portrait
  • croppedSignature
  • object [OPTIONAL] Derived Image - Cropped signature
  • imageId
  • string The UUID associated to the submitted image
  • data
  • string Base64 string representation of the cropped signature
  • croppedDocument
  • object [OPTIONAL] Derived Image - Cropped Document
  • imageId
  • string The UUID associated to the submitted image
  • data
  • string Base64 string representation of the cropped document
  • processingReasons
  • object (array) Key / Value pairs of Processing Reasons (Code/Message). See Processing Reasons section
    evidenceId string The UUID assigned to the submitted evidence
    extractedData object Data extracted and merged from all submitted image / encoded data provided. See link

    Returned Fields - Extracted Data (Found Under Document Response)

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    extractedData object Extracted data from an image or id document
  • name
  • object The data extracted from the submitted document, specifically from fields that are related to the name of whom the document was issued.
  • givenNames
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the given names of the person to which the document was issued.
  • surname
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the surname of the person to which the document was issued.
  • fullName
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the full name of the person to which the document was issued.
  • dynamicProperties
  • object (array) Key / Value pairs of fields made available on the document (NOTE: Field availability is not guaranteed, fields in dynamic properties are returned on a best effort basis dependent on the document type or specific document encoding
  • address
  • object The data extracted from the submitted document, specifically from fields that are related to the name of whom the document was issued.
  • addressLine1
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the first line of the address, as printed, of the person to which the document was issued. This does not contain any data that was parsed out into other fields.
  • addressLine2
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the second line of the address, as printed, of the person to which the document was issued. This does not contain any data that was parsed out into other fields.
  • addressLine3
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the third line of the address, as printed, of the person to which the document was issued. This does not contain any data that was parsed out into other fields.
  • addressLine4
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the fourth line of the address, as printed, of the person to which the document was issued. This does not contain any data that was parsed out into other fields.
  • country
  • string The country of the address of the person to whom the document was issued.
  • city
  • string The parsed out city of the address of the person to whom the document was issued.
  • stateProvince
  • string The parsed out postal code of the address of the person to whom the document was issued.
  • postalCode
  • string The data extracted from an MRZ, PDF417 barcode, or biozone field related to the fourth line of the address, as printed, of the person to which the document was issued. This does not contain any data that was parsed out into other fields.
  • dynamicProperties
  • object (array) Key / Value pairs of fields made available on the document (NOTE: Field availability is not guaranteed, fields in dynamic properties are returned on a best effort basis dependent on the document type or specific document encoding
  • documentNumber
  • string An identifier which uniquely identifies a document from other documents of the same classification
  • dateOfExpiry
  • string The date of expiry that is visible on a physical document
  • dateOfBirth
  • string The year, month, and day of the person born to whom the document was issued
  • dateOfIssue
  • string The year, month, and day that the document was issued
  • dynamicProperties
  • object (array) Key / Value pairs of fields made available on the document (NOTE: Field availability is not guaranteed, fields in dynamic properties are returned on a best effort basis dependent on the document type or specific document encoding

    Fill Auto - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The id that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The time (in milliseconds) from when the request was received and ending when the reponse is returned.

    Fill Auto - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    201 Created Created
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Fill Auto - Processing Reasons

    Category Reason Code Message Description User Action
    Extraction - Barcode 500 The barcode could not be found. The document was classified as a type that contains a barcode but the barcode could not be found. Take a new image with a clear picture of the barcode.
    Extraction - Barcode 501 The barcode could not be extracted. The barcode was found but could not be read. This can be due to image quality, parts of the barcode being obscured, or a misprinted barcode.
    Extraction - Barcode 502 The barcode could not be parsed. The barcode was read but the resulting data was not in the expected format. For US drivers licenses, it means the PDF417 barcode was read but the AAMVA string was formatted incorrectly.
    Extraction - Barcode 503 The barcode could not be processed A problem was encountered when trying to process barcode extraction and parsing. This is likely due to the barcode parsing license file not found on the server.
    Extraction - General 510 No data could be extracted for this document. Data could not be extracted Retake Image
    Extraction - General 511 Data could not be extracted from the back of the document. Data could not be extracted from the back of the document. Retake image
    Extraction - General 512 The front of the ID document could not be extracted. The front of the ID document could not be extracted. Retake Image
    Extraction - General 513 Document not supported for extraction The document may or may not be classified but it is currently not supported for extraction.
    Extraction - General 520 Extraction acceptance failed. The data was extracted, but did not pass our additional checks to ensure the extraction is accurate. Retake Image
    Image Quality 200 Image is too blurry. The image has failed sharpness image quality check. Retake Image
    Image Quality 201 The image is not sharp. The image is out of focus. Retake Image
    Image Quality 202 The image has glare. Glare was found on the document preventing extraction or authentication. This will only be returned when the glare impacts our ability to extract or validate. Glare that is non-impactful will be ignored.
    Image Quality 203 The image is too dark. The image is too dark. Retake Image - Take a new picture in a brighter location.
    Image Quality 204 The document on the image is too small. The amount of the image that the document takes up is too small. Retake Image - Try changing from portrait to landscape mode or getting closer to the image.
    Image Quality 205 The ID document could not be found. This can be caused by the image not showing all four corners of the document. Retake Image - Ensure all four sides of the document are visible.
    Image Quality 206 The type of ID document could not be determined. The type of document could not be identified. This could be caused by a low quality image or it could be a document that is not supported. Retake Image - If it continues to fail, try a different document.
    Image Quality 207 The pose of the document could not be determined. This means the orientation of the document could not be determined and extraction could not continue. Retake Image
    Image Quality 208 Invalid Image Type The encoding of the image is incorrect. It is not in a format that Mitek is able to process. Take a new image in a supported format.
    Image Quality 209 Image is too small The input image had a width or height less than 400 pixels. Take a larger image.
    Image Quality 210 Image processing failed after resizing. The input image had a width or height greater than 2000 pixels and was resized. You will only receive this message if processing failed after resizing. Take a smaller image.
    Image Quality 211 The authenticator could not run because the input image was missing The authenticator was not able to assess the document because the input image was missing. Ensure that at least one image of an identity document was captured and submitted in the service request.
    Image Quality 212 The image quality of the authenticator input image was poor. The authenticator was not able to assess the document because the image quality was too poor. Have the consumer capture a better quality image.

    Fill Auto - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid Request Format - [... details ...]"

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "You do not have the correct permissions to create a document."

    408 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 408,
      "message": "Request Timeout"

    413 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 413 Payload Too Large
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 413,
      "message": "Request entity too large"

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "An error has occurred."

    Face Blocklist - Create Item

    The Create Item endpoint enables the addition of new faces to the blocklist. A prior transaction ID is required which contains the selfie image to be blocked.

    Create Item - Request

    Request Example - New Face Blocklist Item Using Transaction ID

    POST /api/faceblocklist/v1/items HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "blockTransactionId": "de545132-2942-4df0-b89e-d87bd447ac60"

    Run in Postman


    POST /api/faceblocklist/v1/items

    Required Fields

    A Face Blocklist item can be created with a request ID (AKA dossier ID) of a previous Mobile Verify transaction.

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    blockTransactionId string Request ID (AKA dossier ID) of a previous Mobile Verify transaction. The selfie image used in the Mobile Verify transaction will be added to the blocklist. UUID

    Optional Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string Customer provided identifier that will be returned within the body of the response. N/A

    Create Item - Response

    "Successful" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "status": "Successful",
      "item": {
        "itemId": "c45c8b05-fa95-4331-89fa-91f7732fdd21",
        "blockTransactionId": "de545132-2942-4df0-b89e-d87bd447ac60",
        "createdAt": "2022-02-13T17:23:44Z"

    "Failed" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "status": "Failed",
      "reasons": ["TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND"]

    Returned Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string A value submitted with the original request that is returned in the response. N/A
    requestId string The unique identifier that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction. UUID
    status string Status of the create operation.



    reasons string (array) Reasons for create failure. N/A
    item object Details of created item. N/A
  • itemId
  • string The unique identifier associated with this item. UUID
  • blockTransactionId
  • string Request ID of a previous Mobile Verify transaction used to create this item. UUID
  • createdAt
  • string The timestamp for when this item was created. RFC 3339 Timestamp

    Create Item - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The ID that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The total duration, in milliseconds, from the time the entire request was received until the response was sent.

    Create Item - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    201 Created Created
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Create Item - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid FaceBlocklist Create Request Format - [... details ...]"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Tenant has reached the gallery enrollment limit. Please reach out to customer support to increase the limit."

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "You do not have the correct permissions to create a Face Blocklist item."

    413 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 413 Payload Too Large
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 413,
      "message": "Request entity too large"

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."

    Create Item - Processing Reasons

    Processing Reasons

    Reason Description User Action
    TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND Referenced transaction was not found. Ensure request ID of referenced transaction is valid.
    TRANSACTION_NO_SELFIE Referenced transaction does not contain a selfie image. Referenced transaction must have a selfie image to add to the blocklist.
    TRANSACTION_EXPIRED Referenced transaction has expired and can no longer be used to add to the blocklist. Use a more recent Mobile Verify transaction.
    TRANSACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED Referenced transaction is not a supported type. Referenced transaction must be a Mobile Verify transaction that includes a supported document.
    TRANSACTION_ERROR An unknown error occurred while attempting to process the referenced transaction. Try using a different Mobile Verify transaction.

    Face Blocklist - Get Item

    The Get Item endpoint receives a single blocklist item ID and responds with all associated metadata for the item.

    Get Item - Request

    Request Example

    GET /api/faceblocklist/v1/items/b6db77ab-b5d4-47e9-b978-0c4277a7af03?customerReferenceId=e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

    Run in Postman


    GET /api/faceblocklist/v1/items/{itemId}?customerReferenceId={customerReferenceId}

    Required Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    itemId string Mitek provided unique identifier for an existing item. UUID

    Optional Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string Customer provided identifier that will be returned within the body of the response. N/A

    Get Item - Response

    Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "item": {
        "itemId": "b6db77ab-b5d4-47e9-b978-0c4277a7af03",
        "blockTransactionId": "274a9688-98f6-4b04-9ad9-48dca53522eb,
        "createdAt": "2022-02-13T17:23:44Z"

    Returned Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string A value submitted with the original request that is returned in the response. N/A
    requestId string The unique identifier that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction. UUID
    item object Details of retrieved item. N/A
  • itemId
  • string The unique identifier associated with this item. UUID
  • blockTransactionId
  • string Request ID of a previous Mobile Verify transaction used to create this item. UUID
  • createdAt
  • string The timestamp for when this item was created. RFC 3339 Timestamp

    Get Item - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The ID that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The total duration, in milliseconds, from the time the entire request was received until the response was sent.

    Get Item - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    200 OK OK
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    404 Not Found Not Found
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Get Item - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid FaceBlocklist GetItem Request Format - [... details ...]"

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "You do not have the correct permissions to retrieve a Face Blocklist item."

    404 Not Found

    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 404,
      "message": "The given Item ID does not exist or is invalid."

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."

    Face Blocklist - Get Items

    The Get Items endpoint returns a list of existing blocklist metadata associated to the Mobile Verify tenant, sorted by item ID. The response is limited to the first N records with subsequent pages called using cursor-based pagination.

    Get Items - Request

    Request Example

    GET /api/faceblocklist/v1/items?customerReferenceId=e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc&cursor=b6db77ab-b5d4-47e9-b978-0c4277a7af03&limit=50 HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

    Run in Postman


    GET /api/faceblocklist/v1/items?customerReferenceId={customerReferenceId}&cursor={cursor}&limit={limit}

    Optional Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string Customer provided identifier that will be returned within the body of the response. N/A
    cursor string Paging field that specifies where retrieval should start from. This value comes from a Get Items response. UUID
    limit integer Paging field that specifies the number of items to return in the response. If limit is not specified, the result set is limited to the first 1MB of data. int32

    Get Items - Response

    Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "items": [
          "itemId": "b6db77ab-b5d4-47e9-b978-0c4277a7af03",
          "blockTransactionId": "09a1c618-7114-488f-b7a6-ca0a93a92a21",
          "createdAt": "2022-02-13T17:23:44Z"
          "itemId": "c45c8b05-fa95-4331-89fa-91f7732fdd21",
          "blockTransactionId": "de545132-2942-4df0-b89e-d87bd447ac60",
          "createdAt": "2022-03-23T13:23:12Z"
          "itemId": "087ddea4-a2df-4b0c-b8fb-f7865d827cbc",
          "blockTransactionId": "274a9688-98f6-4b04-9ad9-48dca53522eb,
          "createdAt": "2022-04-07T06:23:17Z"
      "paging": {
        "cursor": "f168549f-c29b-4f09-bb69-973c09815640",
        "limit": 50

    Returned Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string A value submitted with the original request that is returned in the response. N/A
    requestId string The unique identifier that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction. UUID
    items object (array) Array of items in blocklist. N/A
  • item
  • object Details of retrieved item. N/A
  • itemId
  • string The unique identifier associated with this item. UUID
  • blockTransactionId
  • string Request ID of a previous Mobile Verify transaction used to create this item. UUID
  • createdAt
  • string The timestamp for when this item was created. RFC 3339 Timestamp
    paging object Paging details to be used in the next retrieval. N/A
  • cursor
  • string Paging field that specifies where the next retrieval should start from. UUID
  • limit
  • integer Paging field that specifies the number of items returned in the response. int32

    Get Items - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The ID that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The total duration, in milliseconds, from the time the entire request was received until the response was sent.

    Get Items - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    200 OK OK
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Get Items - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid FaceBlocklist GetItems Request Format - [... details ...]"

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "You do not have the correct permissions to retrieve Face Blocklist items."

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."

    Face Blocklist - Delete Item

    The Delete Item endpoint enables the deletion of a single face image from the blocklist. Upon success the face image is immediately and permanently deleted, and no further Mobile Verify transactions may be compared with that blocklist item.

    Delete Item - Request

    Request Example

    DELETE /api/faceblocklist/v1/items/89034a0e-5908-45bd-9627-6d133c8def3d?customerReferenceId=e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

    Run in Postman


    DELETE /api/faceblocklist/v1/items/{itemId}?customerReferenceId={customerReferenceId}

    Required Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    itemId string Mitek provided unique identifier for an existing item. UUID

    Optional Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string Customer provided identifier that will be returned within the body of the response. N/A

    Delete Item - Response

    Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "itemId": "89034a0e-5908-45bd-9627-6d133c8def3d",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24"

    Returned Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string A value submitted with the original request that is returned in the response. N/A
    itemId string Unique identifier for the item that was deleted. UUID
    requestId string The unique identifier that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction. UUID

    Delete Item - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The ID that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The total duration, in milliseconds, from the time the entire request was received until the response was sent.

    Delete Item - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    200 OK OK
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    404 Not Found Not Found
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Delete Item - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid Biometric Delete Request Format - [... details ...]"

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "You do not have the correct permissions to delete a Face Blocklist item."

    404 Not Found

    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 404,
      "message": "The given Item ID does not exist or has already been deleted."

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."

    MiPass - Enroll

    The enroll endpoint is used to store the face and/or voice samples of an individual. It may also be used to update an individual’s biometrics with a more recent sample, or to append an additional biometric sample when only one was previously enrolled. Note: all biometric samples in a request must pass their respective liveness checks to achieve a successful enrollment or update.

    Upon enrollment, each individual biometric sample is assigned an expiration date in accordance with the customer’s data retention policy, after which time the data is irrevocably deleted. Updating an enrollment will reset the expiration date for the updated biometric only; for example, an updated face sample will not modify the expiration date of the voice data. A record’s biometrics may be updated at any time, even after data expiration, unless the record is affirmatively deleted.

    Enroll - Request

    Request Example - New Enrollment

    POST /api/biometric/v1/enroll HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "voiceFeatures": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING"
      "selfieImages": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE"

    Request Example - New Enrollment with Mibi

    POST /identity/biometric/v3/enroll HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "voiceFeatures": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING",
          "mibi": "BASE64 ENCODED MIBI JSON STRING"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING",
          "mibi": "BASE64 ENCODED MIBI JSON STRING"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING",
          "mibi": "BASE64 ENCODED MIBI JSON STRING"
      "selfieImages": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE"

    Request Example - Update Enrollment

    POST /api/biometric/v1/enroll HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "enrollmentId": "32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842",
      "voiceFeatures": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING"
      "selfieImages": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE"

    Request Example - Update Enrollment with Mibi

    POST /identity/biometric/v3/enroll HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "enrollmentId": "32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842",
      "voiceFeatures": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING",
          "mibi": "BASE64 ENCODED MIBI JSON STRING"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING",
          "mibi": "BASE64 ENCODED MIBI JSON STRING"
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED VOICE RECORDING",
          "mibi": "BASE64 ENCODED MIBI JSON STRING"
      "selfieImages": [
          "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE"

    Run in Postman


    POST /api/biometric/v1/enroll

    Required Fields

    An enrollment can be created/updated with a face, a set of voice recordings, or both. At least three voice recordings in the voiceFeatures object or one image in the selfieImages object must be present in the request.

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    voiceFeatures object (array) Array of voice recordings to process and enroll. At least 3 voice recordings are required to ensure template accuracy.
  • data
  • string Base64-encoded WAV, WebM, or MP4 file containing voice recording. N/A
  • mibi
  • String [OPTIONAL] Base64-encoded JSON object containing session analytics data for the voice recording. Only applicable to MiSnap WebSDK capture events. N/A
    selfieImages object (array) Array of selfie images to process and enroll. Currently only supports a single image.
  • data
  • string Base64-encoded selfie image file. N/A

    Optional Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string Customer provided identifier that will be returned within the body of the response. N/A
    enrollmentId string Mitek provided unique identifier from a previous enrollment. If provided, will attempt an update operation. Do not populate when requesting a new enrollment. It is required if updating an existing enrollment.

    Enroll - Response

    "Enrolled" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "enrollmentId": "32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "enrollmentStatus": "Enrolled",
      "details": {
        "faceProcessing": {
          "status": "Successful",
          "dataExpiration": "2025-02-13T17:23:44Z"
        "voiceProcessing": {
          "status": "Successful",
          "dataExpiration": "2025-02-13T17:23:44Z"

    "Updated" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "enrollmentId": "32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "enrollmentStatus": "Updated",
      "details": {
        "faceProcessing": {
          "status": "Successful",
          "dataExpiration": "2026-01-27T11:57:03Z"
        "voiceProcessing": {
          "status": "Successful",
          "dataExpiration": "2026-01-27T11:57:03Z"

    "Failed" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "enrollmentStatus": "Failed",
      "details": {
        "faceProcessing": {
          "status": "Failed",
          "reasons": ["FACE_TOO_CLOSE"]
        "voiceProcessing": {
          "status": "Failed",
          "reasons": ["VOICE_NOT_DETECTED"]

    Returned Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string A value submitted with the original request that is returned in the response. N/A
    enrollmentId string Unique identifier for the enrollment. Used in verify, update, or delete operations. UUID
    requestId string The unique identifier that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction. UUID
    enrollmentStatus string Status of the enrollment operation.




    details object Details of processing outcomes for the enrollment operation. N/A
  • faceProcessing
  • object Contains details regarding processing of faces. N/A
  • status
  • string Status of face processing.



  • reasons
  • string (array) Reasons for face processing failure. N/A
  • dataExpiration
  • string The expiration timestamp for the enrolled face data. RFC 3339 Timestamp
  • voiceProcessing
  • object Contains details regarding processing of voices. N/A
  • status
  • string Status of voice processing.



  • reasons
  • string (array) Reasons for voice processing failure. N/A
  • dataExpiration
  • string The expiration timestamp for the enrolled voice data. RFC 3339 Timestamp

    Enroll - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The ID that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The total duration, in milliseconds, from the time the entire request was received until the response was sent.

    Enroll - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    201 Created Created
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Enroll - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid MiPass Enrollment Request Format - [... details ...]"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid Request Format - [... details ...]"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "The given Enrollment ID does not exist.  If this is a new Enrollment, the Enrollment ID should be omitted."
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid MiPass Enrollment request format - a minimum of 3 voice features are required to enroll voice."

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "You do not have the correct permissions to perform MiPass Enrollment."

    413 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 413 Payload Too Large
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 413,
      "message": "Request entity too large"

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."

    Enroll - Processing Reasons

    Face Processing Reasons

    Reason Description User Action
    FACE_TOO_CLOSE Face is too close to the camera to accurately detect features. Move face back from the camera so all edges are completely visible.
    FACE_NOT_DETECTED Face was not detected in the image. Ensure face is clearly visible and unobstructed.
    FACE_TOO_SMALL Face is not large enough to accurately detect features. Move face closer to the camera and ensure all edges are completely visible.
    FACE_ANGLE_TOO_LARGE Face is not directly facing the camera. Ensure face is pointed straight at the camera and not rotated in any direction.
    FAILED_TO_READ_IMAGE There was an error reading the image file. Ensure raw image bytes are saved and not modified in any way. Make sure an accepted image format is used.
    FAILED_QUALITY_CHECK Image does not meet our quality standards. Ensure image is taken in a location with sufficient lighting and meets our minimum requirements.
    TOO_MANY_FACES More than one face was detected in the image. Ensure only one face is present in the image.
    FACE_CROPPED A full face cannot be detected. Ensure the full face is visible and not obstructed in any way.
    FACE_FAILED_LIVENESS Face failed liveness check. Indicates a fraudulent transaction.

    Voice Processing Reasons

    Reason Description User Action
    VOICE_NOT_DETECTED Unable to detect a voice in the recording. Submit a clear recording with a voice present.
    VOICE_FILE_INVALID There was an error reading the voice file. Ensure raw voice recording bytes are saved and not modified in any way. Make sure an accepted voice recording format is used.
    VOICE_FAILED_LIVENESS Voice failed liveness check. Indicates a fraudulent transaction.
    VOICE_TOO_NOISY Audio is too noisy. Ask user to repeat the recording in quieter conditions.
    VOICE_TOO_SMALL_SPEECH_TOTAL_LENGTH Total speech length in the audio is too small. Ask user to repeat the given phrase more slowly.
    DIFFERENT_VOICES_DETECTED There were different voices detected in the voice files. Ask user to repeat enrollment phrases and ensure no other voices can be heard while speaking.

    MiPass - Verify

    The verify endpoint is used for biometric authentication of an individual’s face and/or voice against a previously-enrolled sample. There are two components to the authentication of each biometric: comparison against the enrolled reference data, and liveness checks on the new sample(s). When authenticating a face and voice simultaneously, the top-level verificationStatus will return the lesser of the two individual biometric judgments. For example, status values of ‘Authentic’ and ‘Undetermined’ will result in a top-level verificationStatus of ‘Undetermined’.

    Note: references to nonexistent biometric data will result in a status of ‘Undetermined’. Therefore, overall authentication cannot succeed even if a second biometric is successfully matched and judged to be live.

    Verify - Request

    Request Example

    POST /api/biometric/v1/verify HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "enrollmentId": "32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842",
      "voiceFeature": {
      "selfieImage": {
        "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE"

    Request Example with Mibi

    POST /identity/biometric/v3/verify HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "enrollmentId": "32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842",
      "voiceFeature": {
      "selfieImage": {
        "data": "BASE64 ENCODED IMAGE"

    Run in Postman


    POST /api/biometric/v1/verify

    Required Fields

    An enrollment can be verified with a face, a voice, or both. At least one of voiceFeatures or selfieImages must be present in the request.

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    enrollmentId string Mitek provided unique identifier from a previous enrollment. UUID
    voiceFeature object Voice recording to verify. N/A
  • data
  • string Base64-encoded WAV, WebM, or MP4 file containing voice recording. N/A
  • mibi
  • String [OPTIONAL] Base64-encoded JSON object containing session analytics data for the voice recording. Only applicable to MiSnap WebSDK capture events. N/A
    selfieImage object Selfie image to verify. N/A
  • data
  • string Base64-encoded selfie image file. N/A

    Optional Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string Customer provided identifier that will be returned within the body of the response. N/A

    Verify - Response

    "Authentic" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "enrollmentId": "32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "verificationStatus": "Authentic",
      "details": {
        "faceVerify": {
          "status": "Authentic",
          "dataExpiration": "2025-02-13T17:23:44Z"
        "voiceVerify": {
          "status": "Authentic",
          "dataExpiration": "2025-02-13T17:23:44Z"

    "Fraudulent" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "enrollmentId": "32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "verificationStatus": "Fraudulent",
      "details": {
        "faceVerify": {
          "status": "Fraudulent",
          "reasons": ["FACE_FAILED_LIVENESS"]
        "voiceVerify": {
          "status": "Fraudulent",
          "reasons": ["VOICE_FAILED_COMPARE"]

    "Undetermined" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "enrollmentId": "32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "verificationStatus": "Undetermined",
      "details": {
        "faceVerify": {
          "status": "Undetermined",
          "reasons": ["FAILED_QUALITY_CHECK", "FACE_NOT_DETECTED"]
        "voiceVerify": {
          "status": "Authentic"

    Returned Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string A value submitted with the original request that is returned in the response. N/A
    enrollmentId string Unique identifier for the enrollment. Used in verify, update, or delete operations. UUID
    requestId string The unique identifier that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction. UUID
    verificationStatus string Overall status of the verify operation.




    details object Details of processing outcomes for the verify operation. N/A
  • faceVerify
  • object Contains details regarding face verification. N/A
  • status
  • string Status of face verification.




  • reasons
  • string (array) Reasons for face verification failure. N/A
  • dataExpiration
  • string The expiration timestamp for the enrolled face data. RFC 3339 Timestamp
  • voiceVerify
  • object Contains details regarding voice verification. N/A
  • status
  • string Status of voice verification.




  • reasons
  • string (array) Reasons for voice verification failure. N/A
  • dataExpiration
  • string The expiration timestamp for the enrolled voice data. RFC 3339 Timestamp

    Verify - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The ID that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The total duration, in milliseconds, from the time the entire request was received until the response was sent.

    Verify - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    200 OK OK
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Verify - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid MiPass Verify Request Format - [... details ...]"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid Request Format - [... details ...]"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "The given Enrollment ID does not exist or is invalid."
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "The Enrolled Face is no longer valid.  Enrollment needs to be updated before running Verify operation."
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "The Enrolled Voice is no longer valid.  Enrollment needs to be updated before running Verify operation."

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "You do not have the correct permissions to perform MiPass Verify."

    413 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 413 Payload Too Large
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 413,
      "message": "Request entity too large"

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."

    Verify - Processing Reasons

    Face Processing Reasons

    Reason Description User Action
    FACE_TOO_CLOSE Face is too close to the camera to accurately detect features. Move face back from the camera so all edges are completely visible.
    FACE_NOT_DETECTED Face was not detected in the image. Ensure face is clearly visible and unobstructed.
    FACE_TOO_SMALL Face is not large enough to accurately detect features. Move face closer to the camera and ensure all edges are completely visible.
    FACE_ANGLE_TOO_LARGE Face is not directly facing the camera. Ensure face is pointed straight at the camera and not rotated in any direction.
    FAILED_TO_READ_IMAGE There was an error reading the image file. Ensure raw image bytes are saved and not modified in any way. Make sure an accepted image format is used.
    FAILED_QUALITY_CHECK Image does not meet our quality standards. Ensure image is taken in a location with sufficient lighting and meets our minimum requirements.
    TOO_MANY_FACES More than one face was detected in the image. Ensure only one face is present in the image.
    FACE_CROPPED A full face cannot be detected. Ensure the full face is visible and not obstructed in any way.
    FACE_NOT_ENROLLED Face has not been previously enrolled. Ensure a face has been previously enrolled before attempting this operation.
    FACE_FAILED_LIVENESS Face failed liveness check. Indicates a fraudulent transaction.
    FACE_FAILED_COMPARE Face did not match with enrolled face. Indicates a fraudulent transaction.
    FACE_DATA_EXPIRED The previously enrolled face data has expired. Update the enrollment before attempting this operation.

    Voice Processing Reasons

    Reason Description User Action
    VOICE_NOT_DETECTED Unable to detect a voice in the recording. Submit a clear recording with a voice present.
    VOICE_NOT_ENROLLED Voice has not been previously enrolled. Ensure a voice has been previously enrolled before attempting this operation.
    VOICE_FILE_INVALID There was an error reading the voice file. Ensure raw voice recording bytes are saved and not modified in any way. Make sure an accepted voice recording format is used.
    VOICE_FAILED_LIVENESS Voice failed liveness check. Indicates a fraudulent transaction.
    VOICE_FAILED_COMPARE Voice did not match with enrolled voice. Indicates a fraudulent transaction.
    VOICE_DATA_EXPIRED The previously enrolled voice data has expired. Update the enrollment before attempting this operation.
    VOICE_TOO_NOISY Audio is too noisy. Ask user to repeat the recording in quieter conditions.
    VOICE_TOO_SMALL_SPEECH_TOTAL_LENGTH Total speech length in the audio is too small. Ask user to repeat the given phrase more slowly.

    MiPass - Delete

    A DELETE request to the enroll endpoint will flag an enrollment record as permanently deleted and immediately delete the associated biometric data.

    Delete - Request

    Request Example

    DELETE /api/biometric/v1/enroll/32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842?customerReferenceId=e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN

    Run in Postman


    DELETE /api/biometric/v1/enroll/{enrollmentId}?customerReferenceId={customerReferenceId}

    Required Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    enrollmentId string Mitek provided unique identifier from a previous enrollment. UUID

    Optional Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string Customer provided identifier that will be returned within the body of the response. N/A

    Delete - Response

    Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "enrollmentId": "32609347-d962-4ec9-9984-5597d7b4c842",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24"

    Returned Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string A value submitted with the original request that is returned in the response. N/A
    enrollmentId string Unique identifier for the enrollment. Used in verify, update, or delete operations. UUID
    requestId string The unique identifier that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction. UUID

    Delete - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The ID that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The total duration, in milliseconds, from the time the entire request was received until the response was sent.

    Delete - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    200 OK OK
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    404 Not Found Not Found
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Delete - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid MiPass Delete Request Format - [... details ...]"

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "You do not have the correct permissions to delete a MiPass Enrollment."

    404 Not Found

    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 404,
      "message": "The given Enrollment ID does not exist or has already been deleted."

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."

    MiPass - Check Quality

    The Check Quality endpoint is used to evaluate the quality of the voice recording and determine if it meets the reasonable criteria for biometric enrollment or verification.

    Check Quality Request

    Request Example

    POST /api/biometric/v1/check-quality HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "transactionType": "Enroll",
      "voiceFeature": {

    Request Example with Mibi

    POST /api/biometric/v1/check-quality HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "transactionType": "Enroll",
      "voiceFeature": {

    Run in Postman


    POST /api/biometric/v1/check-quality

    Required Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    transactionType String The transaction type for which the voice recording will be used. Enroll or Verify
    voiceFeature Object Voice recording to check quality. N/A
  • data
  • String Base64-encoded WAV, WebM, or MP4 file containing voice recording. N/A
  • mibi
  • String [OPTIONAL] Base64-encoded JSON object containing session analytics data for the voice recording. Only applicable to MiSnap WebSDK capture events. N/A

    Optional Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId String Customer provided identifier that will be returned within the body of the response. N/A

    Check Quality Response

    "Pass" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Mitek-Request-Id: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    Mitek-Server-Processing-Time: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "transactionType": "Enroll",
      "qualityResult": {
        "status": "Pass"

    "Fail" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
    Mitek-Request-Id: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    Mitek-Server-Processing-Time: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "transactionType": "Enroll",
      "qualityResult": {
        "status": "Fail",
        "reasons": [

    Returned Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId String A value submitted with the original request that is returned in the response. N/A
    requestId String The unique identifier that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction. UUID
    transactionType String A value submitted with the original request that is returned in the response. Enroll or Verify
    qualityResult Object Details of processing outcomes for the check quality operation. N/A
  • status
  • String Status of check quality operation. Pass or Fail
  • reasons
  • String (array) Reasons for check quality failure. N/A

    Check Quality - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The ID that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The total duration, in milliseconds, from the time the entire request was received until the response was sent.

    Check Quality - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    200 OK OK
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Check Quality - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Transaction type is required; allowed values are Enroll or Verify."
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Voice data not provided in voice feature."

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "MiPass is not enabled on your account."
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "You do not have the correct permissions to perform a voice quality check."

    413 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 413 Payload Too Large
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 413,
      "message": "Request entity too large"

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."

    Standard HTTP REST-based response codes and messages are used to indicate success or failure for a request.

    Returned Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    message String A message describing the error. None

    Check Quality - Processing Reasons

    Voice Processing Reasons

    Reason Description User Action
    VOICE_FILE_INVALID There was an error reading the voice file. Ensure raw voice recording bytes are saved and not modified in any way. Make sure an accepted voice recording format is used.
    VOICE_TOO_NOISY Audio is too noisy. Ask user to repeat the recording in quieter conditions.
    VOICE_TOO_SMALL_SPEECH_TOTAL_LENGTH Total speech length in the audio is too small. Ask user to repeat the given phrase more slowly.

    AAMVA Verification

    Performs verification of biodata against DMV record through the AAMVA Driver License Data Verification (DLDV) service. Not all U.S. states are currently supported. Please see Supported Jurisdictions.

    Verification - Request

    Request Example

    POST /api/v2/aamva HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Bearer $OAUTH_TOKEN
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "issuingAuthority": "GA",
      "documentNumber": "XYZ-123",
      "dateOfBirth": "2022-02-02",
      "surname": "Smith",
      "eyeColor": "BLU"

    Run in Postman


    POST /api/v2/aamva

    Required Fields

    A verification request must contain the issuing authority, document number, and date of birth.

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    issuingAuthority string A two(2) character state code of the ID document issuer. None
    documentNumber string The document number of the ID document. None
    dateOfBirth string The date of birth of the person to which the ID document was issued. YYYY-MM-DD

    Optional Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string Customer provided identifier that will be returned within the body of the response. N/A
    surname string The surname of the person to which the ID document was issued. None
    eyeColor string The eye color of the person to which the ID document was issued. BLK, BLU, BRO, GRY, GRN, HAZ, MAR, PNK, DIC

    Verification - Response

    "Successful" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "status": "Successful",
            "documentNumber": true,
            "dateOfBirth": true,
            "surname": false,
            "eyeColor": true       

    "Failed" Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 201 Created
    Content-Type: application/json
    mitek-RequestId: 5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24
    mitek-ServerProcessingTime: 4021
      "customerReferenceId": "e759256b-46c0-475a-97eb-fe1c0a18a3bc",
      "requestId": "5b55449e-bec3-4cff-b2d2-a8e6e4a3af24",
      "status": "Failed",

    Returned Fields

    Name Type Description Restrictions
    customerReferenceId string A value submitted with the original request that is returned in the response. N/A
    requestId string The unique identifier that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction. UUID
    status string Status of the verification operation.



    reasons string (array) Reasons for failure to complete the verification operation. Appears only if the status is Failed
    matchResults object Details of processing outcomes for the verification operation. N/A
  • documentNumber
  • Boolean Indicates whether the document number matches the DMV record. true or false
  • dateOfBirth
  • Boolean Indicates whether the Date of Birth matches the DMV record.

    true or false

    Omitted if documentNumber does not match

  • surname
  • Boolean Indicates whether the Surname, if requested, matches the DMV record.

    true or false

    Omitted if documentNumber does not match

  • eyeColor
  • Boolean Indicates whether the eye color, if requested, matches the DMV record.

    true or false

    Omitted if documentNumber does not match

    Verification - HTTP Response Headers

    Status Header Type Format Description
    default mitek-RequestId string UUID The ID that Mitek Systems has assigned to this transaction.
    default mitek-ServerProcessingTime integer int32 The total duration, in milliseconds, from the time the entire request was received until the response was sent.

    Verification - HTTP Response Codes

    Status Meaning Description
    201 Created Created
    400 Bad Request Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden Forbidden
    408 Request Timeout Request Timeout
    415 Unsupported Media Type Unsupported Media Type
    500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error

    Verification - HTTP Error Responses

    400 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid AAMVA Request - no issuing authority provided in the request"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid AAMVA Request - the issuing authority is not a valid two letter state code."
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid AAMVA Request - no document number provided in the request"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid AAMVA Request - no date of birth provided in the request"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "message": "Invalid AAMVA Request - the date of birth is not formatted correctly. The accepted format is: yyyy-MM-dd"

    401 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 401,
      "message": "Authorization has been denied for this request."

    403 Forbidden

    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 403,
      "message": "AAMVA is not enabled on your account."

    413 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 413 Payload Too Large
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 413,
      "message": "Request entity too large"

    415 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 415,
      "message": "The request entity's media type '...' is not supported for this resource."

    500 Response Example

    HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    Content-Type: application/json
      "statusCode": 500,
      "message": "There was a technical problem processing your request. Please try again."

    Verification - Processing Reasons

    Reason Description
    User Action
    DOCUMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED Verification is not available for this document, because the document's issuing authority is not a supported jurisdiction.
    SCHEDULED_MAINTENANCE Unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. (Note: To avoid a billable event, this transaction was not submitted.) Try again later.
    JURISDICTION_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE Jurisdiction temporarily unavailable. Try again later.
    JURISDICTION_SYSTEM_ERROR Jurisdiction system error.
    JURISDICTION_TIMEOUT Jurisdiction did not respond in a timely manner. Try again later.

    Verification - Supported Jurisdictions

    State State Code Restriction
    Alabama AL
    Arkansas AR
    Arizona AZ
    Colorado CO
    Connecticut CT
    Washington D.C. DC
    Delaware DE Driver's License only
    Florida FL
    Georgia GA
    Hawaii HI
    Iowa IA
    Idaho ID
    Illinois IL
    Indiana IN
    Kansas KS
    Kentucky KY
    Massachusetts MA
    Maryland MD
    Maine ME
    Michigan MI
    Missouri MO
    Mississippi MS
    Montana MT
    Nebraska NE
    New Jersey NJ
    New Mexico NM
    Nevada NV
    North Carolina NC
    North Dakota ND
    Ohio OH
    Oregon OR
    Rhode Island RI
    South Dakota SD
    Tennessee TN
    Texas TX
    Virginia VA
    Vermont VT
    Washington WA
    West Virginia WV
    Wisconsin WI
    Wyoming WY